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Showing posts from October, 2022


 * ADMINISTRATIVE FEES* Please, Administrative Fee are: 1. *Non-Negotiable* 2. *Non-Refundable* 3. *Non-Transferrable*  The Administrative Fees are as follow: 1. Elementary School, Foundation Pathways & Undergraduate Courses: *#150,000 NAIRA*  2. Graduate Courses: *#200,000 NAIRA*  The Administrative Fee covers Consultancy for the following Services: 1. Course Advisory Services - (NOT captured in Administrative Fee) 2. Admission Application Processing - (captured in  Administrative Fee) 3. Visa Advisory Services - *COMPLIMENTARY Service* (NOT captured in Administrative Fee) students pay the Visa Fees DIRECTLY to Embassies or High Commissions 4. Pre-Departure Briefing - *COMPLIMENTARY Service* (NOT captured in Administrative Fee) 5. Airport Pick-up Services - *COMPLIMENTARY Service* (NOT captured in Administrative Fee) students pay the Fee DIRECTLY to the Universities or Colleges 6. Accommodation Advisory Services - *COMPLIMENTARY Service* (NOT captured in Ad...

Enhanced Passport Form, fill and send back, thanks

  Requirements  Passport no: 1)Surname:  2)First name: 3)Middle name: 4)Date of birth:  5)Place of birth: 6)Occupation:  7)Marital status: 8)Phone number: 9)State:  b)Email: 10)Town:  11)LGA:  12)Village: 13)Next of kin: 14)Next of kin PHN num: 15)Relationship with NOK: Sister  16)NIN NUM:  17) Duration (5years,32 pages or 10 years 64pages): This is simpler PASSPORT REQUIREMENTS: (come with the original Documents for sighting) Fill form yourself 4 coloured passport Birth cert/age declaration  Local govt of origin Nigeria international passport  Fresh and renewal 5 & 10 years validity 32pages/5years 64pages/10 Change Name in a Passport Get a New Passport Get a Passport for a Child Get a Second Passport Renew Expired Passport Replace Damaged Passport Replace Lost/Stolen Passport Other Location: Nationwide Contact: +2347031931781,+234 803 489 2419 WhatsApp