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 * ADMINISTRATIVE FEES* Please, Administrative Fee are: 1. *Non-Negotiable* 2. *Non-Refundable* 3. *Non-Transferrable*  The Administrative Fees are as follow: 1. Elementary School, Foundation Pathways & Undergraduate Courses: *#150,000 NAIRA*  2. Graduate Courses: *#200,000 NAIRA*  The Administrative Fee covers Consultancy for the following Services: 1. Course Advisory Services - (NOT captured in Administrative Fee) 2. Admission Application Processing - (captured in  Administrative Fee) 3. Visa Advisory Services - *COMPLIMENTARY Service* (NOT captured in Administrative Fee) students pay the Visa Fees DIRECTLY to Embassies or High Commissions 4. Pre-Departure Briefing - *COMPLIMENTARY Service* (NOT captured in Administrative Fee) 5. Airport Pick-up Services - *COMPLIMENTARY Service* (NOT captured in Administrative Fee) students pay the Fee DIRECTLY to the Universities or Colleges 6. Accommodation Advisory Services - *COMPLIMENTARY Service* (NOT captured in Ad...

Enhanced Passport Form, fill and send back, thanks

  Requirements  Passport no: 1)Surname:  2)First name: 3)Middle name: 4)Date of birth:  5)Place of birth: 6)Occupation:  7)Marital status: 8)Phone number: 9)State:  b)Email: 10)Town:  11)LGA:  12)Village: 13)Next of kin: 14)Next of kin PHN num: 15)Relationship with NOK: Sister  16)NIN NUM:  17) Duration (5years,32 pages or 10 years 64pages): This is simpler PASSPORT REQUIREMENTS: (come with the original Documents for sighting) Fill form yourself 4 coloured passport Birth cert/age declaration  Local govt of origin Nigeria international passport  Fresh and renewal 5 & 10 years validity 32pages/5years 64pages/10 Change Name in a Passport Get a New Passport Get a Passport for a Child Get a Second Passport Renew Expired Passport Replace Damaged Passport Replace Lost/Stolen Passport Other Location: Nationwide Contact: +2347031931781,+234 803 489 2419 WhatsApp

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Greener Pastures Oversees

 VISA AND RESIDENCY  Tile and marble Mason job , 8 hours duty daily if there is overtime he gets extra pay for it Monthly salary is 1500aed (exchange rate is 156) so multiply to get in naira Company provides accommodation, transportation and medical insurance That's around 234k naira monthly and if they do overtime he gets even more The last guy I gave tiller job, this is his hand work and he is doing great  After every two years company gives u return ticket and leave allowance That's if the person wants to go for vacation  If u have any other questions let me know Canada 1.8 UK 1.2 France 1.6 Bahrain 1.1 Spain 1.6 Only Bahrain , UAE is coming with job. Canada is working visa Tickets only for Bahrain and UAE UAE taxi 1.2 All this plugs are 100% sure links  That UAE taxi still available Istanbul turkey 🇹🇷 Cyprus 🇨🇾 student working visa available too We have 2 clients even going for submission next week 1.6m Also have sure connect to do residency visa once th...


 *DUBAI TAXI RECRUITMENT IN NIGERIA* DATE: 23RD OF MAY 2022. *REQUIREMENTS* 1. INTERNATIONAL PASSPORT  2. PASSPORT PHOTO WHITE BACKGROUND.  3. CV  4. DRIVING LICENSE  5. AGE: 23 TO 50 YEARS.  *BENEFIT* 1. SALARY: AED3000 TO AED8000 (COMMISSION BASED)  2. ACCOMMODATION (AVAILABLE ON REQUEST)  3. ASSISTANCE TO GET DUBAI DRIVING LICENSE.  4. MEDICAL INSURANCE AND UNIFORM. 5. 3 YEARS EMPLOYMENT VISA.  *TERMS AND CONDITIONS* 1. All Applicant wishing to attend the interview must send Scan copies of documents before *20/05/2022. 2. Dubai Taxi will sponsor Applicants in Driving school to get Dubai driving license.  3. Applicants must know how to drive to enable them pass driving test within 2 trails in driving school.  4. PROCESS FEE: *INCLUDED* (including English test fee in Dubai)   Remember only documents received will attend interview Try ur best this time...remember no payment till visa  Visa payment only when visa ...